With the help of Massapequa Takes Action Coalition, their youth committee, and YES Community Counseling Centers youth ambassadors, Massapequa and Massapequa Park businesses participated in this year’s Sticker Shock. This prevention campaign highlights the importance of parents and community members serving as healthy role models and not providing alcohol to teens. The MTAC prevention campaign, ‘Alcohol and Teens Don’t Mix: Don’t Buy for Minors’ offers resources to help parents talk with their children about the consequences and prevention of underage drinking and how it affects their brain, health and safety. Please remember, anyone over the age of 18 is breaking the law if you give alcohol, marijuana, or opiates to a person under the age of 21.
MTAC acknowledges the following businesses for their participation in Sticker Shock this year: Aro Liquor Store, Bottles on Broadway, Calda Pizzeria & Restaurant, Crossroads Wine & Liquor, Frank’s Pizzeria Restaurant, Leonardo’s Pizza & Restaurant, Neighbors Deli & Catering, New Broadway Wine and Liquors, South Bay Beverages, and Village Wines & Spirits. Please visit these locations and thank them for their contribution in reducing youth underage drinking in the Massapequas. We also plan on providing recognition to these businesses publicly recognizing them as safe alcohol vendors or partners in prevention in our community.
Since 1997, MTAC has worked with many local, state and national partners to prevent youth substance use and promote a healthy Massapequa. To learn more about MTAC’s efforts and help be a part of the solution to prevent underage drinking and substance use, you can go to mtacoalition.com or contact MTAC Project Coordinator, at (516) 799-3203 x131 or email mtacoalition@yesccc.org.

Leonardo’s Pizza & Restaurant supports MTAC's Sticker Shock Campaign highlighting our prevention message on their pizza boxes. Call Leonardo’s at (516) 795-5577 or go to www.leonardospizzamassapequa.com