Prescription Drugs: Secure, Monitor and Dispose of Rx Drugs
Our Solutions. Their Protection.*

Often, our youth and young adults can easily access a range of medications simply by opening the medicine cabinet—whether it's pain pills from a recent surgery, sleeping pills from a past trip, or leftover cough medicine from last year's flu. MTAC's Partnership for Success strategies have helped contribute to:
- a 35% reduction in nonfatal opioid overdoses,
- decreases in the consumption of pain relievers (70%), stimulants (56%) and tranquilizers (41%) by young adults (19-25); and
- increases in young adults not using prescription drugs without a prescription and tremendous decreases in access to prescription drugs in the home by young adults (19 -25).
Massapequas' youth (12-18) continue to report access to pain relievers:
- 51% of youth (grades 7-12) in Massapequa who misused prescription pain relievers found them at home.*
- 33% of youth (grades 7 to 12) in the Massapequas have been treated for an injury or surgery where they were prescribed pain medication; and
- Only 57% of youth (grades 7-12) in the Massapequas reported they have talked with a parent in the past year about the dangers of drug use.
Consider getting trained in the administration and proper use of Narcan/Naloxone for emergencies. To learn more about naloxone training in Massapequa, contact MTAC at (516) 799-3000 ext. 131 or email
Secure and Monitor Rx Drugs. Prevention is the key to your child’s future:

- Communication is vital to a healthy future. Talk with your child about the dangers of taking Rx drugs without a prescription. Click here to learn more about opioids and prescription drugs.
- Warn your child, teen and young adult that taking prescription or OTC drugs without a doctor’s supervision can be just as dangerous and potentially lethal as taking street drugs.
- If you or your child is prescribed pain medication, ask your health care provider these important questions: CLICK HERE for MTAC's Wallet Card.
- If your child is on prescribed medication for a sports or dental injury or surgery, monitor the dosages and refills. Set clear rules, such as not sharing with others and always following proper dosages. Click here for MTAC's Opioids & Sports Handbook.
- Safely store or dispose of any unused medications by locking them up, keeping them out of reach, or removing them from your home. CLICK HERE FOR MTAC'S MEDICINE INVENTORY SHEET.
- Supervise your child’s Internet use: Many pharmacy sites are not regulated and will sell your child medications without prescriptions.
DISPOSE of Rx Drugs:
Dispose of all unnecessary prescription medications in the home. In the Massapequas, 51% of youth (grades 7-12) who misuse prescription drugs obtain them from the medicine cabinets of friends and family.
The best way to dispose of prescription drugs is to bring them to any Nassau County Police Department and dispose of them in a drop box in the lobby. Disposal at the precincts is available 24/7. Please note: NCPD does not take liquids, ointments or syringes/sharps.
Residents can also take advantage of our MTAC Drug Take Back events held in both October and April.
Please note: While Federal Guidelines state, "Do not flush prescription drugs down the toilet or drain unless the label or accompanying patient information specifically instructs you to do so", residents should never flush any prescriptions drugs down the toilet or drain, as it affects the quality of our water supply.
*2018 NYS OASAS PFS YDS Survey
View MTAC's Secure Monitor Dispose Campaign >>
See all MTAC Resources for Opioids, Pain Medication and Prescription Drugs >>